Geriatric Education

Tips to Healthy Aging

Its a gift to get old

Aging is inevitable. Some of us are found ready while others get in by surprise. The fact remains everyone is responsible for how they age.

We believe you can age like fine wine if you take care of yourself and follow the tips below.

1.Be ready to age.

As days go by, there your cells grow. Your biological and physiological processes never stops at any stage of your life until death. For Every birthday you celebrate count it graciously, Remind yourself that you are aging, that your years are increasing, that your body is changing in every way. Engage your mind every day to prevent future psychological age related disorders

make merry of the life you have now

2.Eat healthy

Diet plays a major role in how our body is built. Eating a healthy and balanced diet helps the body to get enough nutrients it requires to function and grow.

Proper nutrition aids in controlling weight, prevention of diseases like Hypertension, heart diseases, osteoporosis, cancer and also diabetes.

Nutrient rich feeds are advised, for every healthy lifestyle To include Fruits and vegetables ,fat free diet,

Protein’s to include sea food, poultry lean meat, cereals and nuts. Whole grains like brown rice, oat meal. Avoid calories in soda, alcohol, fries.bigstock-Fruits-And-Vegetables-36840977

While maintaining the healthy diet ensure good hydration, drink enough liquids. Aging comes with a lose of sense of thirst , therefore its advisable to be keen and keep a track on hydration. Have a jar or a bottle specific for the same in a common and particular place where you can always remember to drink.

3.Maintain a Healthy weight.

Age and weight are core anthropometric measurements. As you age the body changes. Healthy weight is a Body mass index(BMI)that is normal or healthy ranged, measured based on your weight and height.

To ensure healthy weight you need to ensure healthy eating. Keep track of your BMI to ensure its not lower or above the normal range.

Overweight risks diseases like kidney disease, high blood cholesterol, cardiac diseases, type 2 diabetes. Underweight is also a risk as it predispose to low immunity and weak bone or bone loss.

4.Maintain Physical Activity

As everyone is unique, before engaging in any type of physical activity, ensure you consult your health care provider or a health care professional. Physical activity improves balance and muscle strength. Lowers the risk of heart diseases, anxiety and psychological problems.The health benefits of working out with a crowd


Engage in an activity that you like. Physical activity helps maintain a healthy weight.

All physical activities like walking, watering plants, dancing helps.

As you age, your body physique changes. and therefore the type of physical activity you engage in varies. Passive Range of motion is also effective to bed bound individuals.

5.Quit Smoking, Use of Alcohol and Tobacco

Trying to quit smoking and drinking at the same time is incredibly hard. Since most alcohol users tend to also smoke, smokers are also likely to use alcohol. It is therefore advisable you seek professional aid on how to quit gradually.

Although the recreational activities are pleasurable at the moment, they tend to have a long term effect on health of an individual.

Alcohol can lead to liver cirrhosis, cardiac diseases as well as kidney diseases, while smoking  causes cancer of the Lungs, esophagus, throat, colon, rectum etc.

Millions of individuals/addicts have successfully quit alcohol and smoking every year, therefore you can be one of them.

Get help in various addiction support groups





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