Geriatric Education


Gerontology nurse also known as geriatric nurse or gerontological nurse,specialize in holistic care of elderly population

The nurse plays a critical role in ensuring access of health care services and promotion of healthy aging to the aged.This gives the nurse the forefront of understanding the specific roles in order to provide holistic care.

Below are the different roles of a geriatric nurse.


The nurse plays a crucial role in ensuring the aged are treated with dignity,respect and their voices heard in decision making of health care services.Every elderly needs an geriatric nurse advocate to allow their interests and rights collaborated in the care.The responsibilities include:

  1. Promoting Patient Autonomy: Nurse advocates empower older adults to make informed decisions about their healthcare. They ensure that patients have access to information, support, and resources to exercise their right to autonomy.
  2. Ensuring Informed Consent: Nurse advocates explain medical procedures, treatments, and potential risks in a way that older patients can understand. They facilitate the informed consent process, ensuring that patients have the information needed to make decisions about their care.
  3. Respecting Dignity and Privacy: Advocates uphold the dignity and privacy of older adults by ensuring that they are treated with respect, that their personal information is kept confidential, and that they have the opportunity to maintain their personal hygiene and appearance.
  4. Supporting Transitions in Care: Nurse advocates assist older patients during transitions in care settings, such as hospital to home, and advocate for continuity of care and appropriate follow-up.
  5. Promoting Cultural Sensitivity: Advocates consider the cultural and individual needs of older patients and tailor care plans accordingly, respecting diverse backgrounds and beliefs.
  6. Advocating for Geriatric-Specific Care: Nurse advocates promote the importance of geriatric-specific care, emphasizing the unique needs of older adults and advocating for specialized services when necessary.


Advocates provide education to older adults and their families about their rights, available healthcare resources, and preventive measures to maintain health and well-being.

This therefore enhancing knowledge,skills and the overall wellbeing of the aged.The responsibilities include:

  1. Developing Educational Programs: Create educational programs and materials tailored to the unique needs of older adults. These programs may cover topics such as health promotion, disease prevention, medication management, and chronic disease self-management.
  2. Promoting Health Literacy: Focus on improving health literacy among older adults by providing clear and understandable information about their health conditions, treatment options, and self-care techniques.
  3. Empowering Self-Management: Encourage older adults to take an active role in managing their health. Provide guidance on setting health-related goals and developing action plans to achieve them.
  4. Promoting Preventive Care: Educate older adults about the importance of preventive care, including vaccinations, screenings, and regular check-ups, to maintain their health and prevent complications.
  5. Medication Education: Teach older adults about their medications, including proper dosages, administration techniques, and potential side effects. Emphasize the importance of medication adherence.
  6. Support for Caregivers: Educate family caregivers on how to provide safe and effective care for their elderly loved ones, addressing topics like wound care, mobility assistance, and emotional support.


The specific role of a nurse researcher is to promote evidenced based care through gaps identification in healthcare to improving the quality of care, promoting healthy aging, and addressing the unique healthcare needs of the elderly population.

Stay updated on emerging trends, technologies, and best practices in elderly care to inform future research priorities.

Develop research studies, including randomized controlled trials, observational studies, qualitative research, and other research methodologies, to investigate issues related to elderly care.

Nurse researchers assess the current state of knowledge in elderly care to identify gaps in research. They determine where further investigation is needed to improve care for older adults.


A geriatric nurse consultant is an experienced and highly skilled nurse who provides specialized expertise, guidance, and support to improve the quality of care and services for older adults in various healthcare settings. The responsibilities include:

  1. Assessment and Care Planning: Conduct comprehensive assessments of elderly patients to determine their physical, psychological, social, and environmental needs. Develop individualized care plans based on these assessments, focusing on promoting the well-being and quality of life of older adults.
  2. Clinical Expertise: Offer expert clinical knowledge in the management of complex health conditions commonly seen in the elderly, such as chronic diseases, cognitive impairments, and polypharmacy (multiple medications).
  3. Medication Management: Review and optimize medication regimens to ensure appropriate use, minimize potential side effects, and prevent drug interactions.
  4. Policy and Program Development: Contribute to the development of policies, programs, and guidelines related to elderly care, advocating for policies that promote quality care and support for older adults.
  5. Interdisciplinary Collaboration: Collaborate with interdisciplinary healthcare teams, including physicians, social workers, physical therapists, and occupational therapists, to ensure comprehensive and holistic care for older adults.


The leadership role held by a geriatric nurse to oversee other staffs provide care to the elderly.The responsibilities include:

  1. Leadership and Administration:
    • Provide strong leadership to the nursing team, fostering a positive and collaborative work environment.
    • Develop and enforce policies, procedures, and standards of care that meet regulatory requirements and promote the well-being of elderly residents.
  2. Staffing and Scheduling:
    • Recruit, hire, and retain nursing staff, including registered nurses (RNs), licensed practical nurses (LPNs), certified nursing assistants (CNAs), and other healthcare professionals.
    • Develop and manage staffing schedules to ensure appropriate nurse-to-patient ratios and adequate coverage for all shifts.
  3. Quality Assurance and Improvement:
    • Monitor the quality of care provided to elderly residents, ensuring it aligns with best practices and regulatory standards.
    • Conduct regular assessments, audits, and performance evaluations to identify areas for improvement and implement corrective actions.
  4. Patient Care Coordination:
    • Oversee the coordination of care for elderly residents, including comprehensive assessments, individualized care planning, and ongoing evaluation of care plans.
    • Collaborate with healthcare providers, therapists, social workers, and other professionals to address the complex healthcare needs of older adults.
  5. Budget Management:
    • Develop and manage budgets for the nursing department, allocating resources efficiently and controlling costs while maintaining high-quality care.
  6. Safety and Infection Control:
    • Implement and enforce safety protocols and infection control measures to prevent accidents and healthcare-associated infections among elderly residents.
    • Address safety concerns promptly and provide staff with relevant training.
  7. Staff Development and Education:
    • Provide ongoing education and professional development opportunities for nursing staff, particularly in gerontology and elderly care.
    • Encourage staff to pursue certifications and training relevant to caring for older adults.
Geriatric Education


While everyone wants to live and not die,most people fear getting old

The smiles we see old people put on,is such a heartwarming feeling.

Life has an end which is death,and to every living thing/human.. there’s a lifespan.

We love seeing our first, second,third and maybe firth generation,but how can a new generation start without the previous one getting old.?

We will try using steroids,hormones,and all we have been told to look young,but that doesn’t make us young..The years don’t regress,the growth doesn’t stop,the age doesn’t reduce.

If we appreciate that life has to go on,days have to count,age has to add up,then we will be happy when our old age time comes.

It’s beautiful to those who embrace it well,you don’t have to have it all,have all your pension,but accept that you can be happy and put on a beautiful smile while old

You don’t stop laughing when you grow old,you grow old when you stop laughing”


As one gets old ,they become compassionate with family.They want to extend their generosity to grandchildren,they want to spend more time with their family..

Its a beautiful feeling to see a generation alive in you

“Age is simply the number of years the world has been enjoying you.”

…et al

The grey hair that most fear,is what makes getting old look beautiful..

Cultivate a spirit of taking care of your beauty in your own way..

Once one gets into old age,they revisit their life with their creator.They become spiritual.

Most believe in doing good,while some give up on this line of believe.

They become concerned with life after death,which gives them a new beginning to the life they wished they lived and a hope for a paradise life after.

While old age means being weak fragile, dependant,engaging in lifestyle activities increases once lifespan.

Giving the body the active mode,reduces the rates of lifestyle and old age diseases that leads to increased morbidity and mortality rates in this age.

When we were small children,we all played dressed up and everybody had a good time.So why stop?


As we conclude,it is clear that old age need us,we need to embrace it,we need to love our first generation,we need care for them,we need to support them.

Let’s not dwell on the bridge they never created,but create the bridge for everyone after us..

Ageing is just another word for living”


As the world is concerned with ageism and older persons, we look forward to a generation that appreciate healthy aging.

According to Dr Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus,

To foster healthy ageing,we need to work together.Older people must be central to and be fully engaged in this collaboration.

What’s your opinion on old age?



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